Doing some renovations wiTHin my Site. If you find someTHing not working, or missing, or jus', not right, feel free to ask me about it

Not long after getting his license und vehicle…


Tom under suspicion?

Interview in a different way
‘Have you taken drugs man?’
The officer checks for illegal remedies.


Tom’s Cadillac Escalade in the Hamburg police inspection

1,243 vehicles stopped in the Hamburg police spotcheck for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. One of them: Tom Kaulitz (18). He had his License show and in the eyes can shine.
But of course the police could find nothing: “I’m really anything but a drug junkie
Tokio Hotel, the guitarist makes clear. “Apart from the sex, I am in this case, shortly before in the Back seat.” his cheeky grin, “that I could not prove really. So they have to let me go


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Well, I had to post THis to go along wiTH THe pics =)

Tom Drives Us Crazy

Doors Closed on 2008 Scream & Monsoon   Island Hotel for Holidays 

New Music   Love 'em or Hate 'em

TH talk about the excitment of a new CD und their desire to witness the THers listen to it for the first time

New CD Excitement