Doing some renovations wiTHin my Site. If you find someTHing not working, or missing, or jus', not right, feel free to ask me about it


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Filed Under: Update


The good, the bad and the ugly! See it all in this new episode! We had the best laugh watching this… Join our backstage dance-off, thoughtful poems, timeless quotes and unforgettable random moments.

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Filed Under: THTV-V


St. Petersburg, Russia


Reminiscing on some fantastic shows, this is our personal recap of this unforgettable journey. Get some insights of our crazy adventures and the past couple of weeks traveling through Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The Feel It All World Tour is wrapped up, a huge thank you to our fantastic crew and team, the many local people involved and to you, thank you for coming out and sharing the music with us! We’ll always remember.

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Filed Under: THTV-V