Doing some renovations wiTHin my Site. If you find someTHing not working, or missing, or jus', not right, feel free to ask me about it

Just drop me a line or two,
THats all THat you need do!

Contact: Gmail

Give your site/blog/forum name, link, und what you would like me to use as an image to represent you. If you are unsure of an image I’ll create one from your sites layout.

Please keep in mind THat my site DOES NOT Support twincest, OR similar THemes. THis also includes Fake Body images of members of Tokio Hotel, &/also Faked images depicting THem in sexual/sensual situations THat TH THemselves would not have posed in/for.

Spreading such imagery is a disrespect to Georg, Gustav, Tom und Bill.
THerefore I will not Affil/Elite wiTH sites/blogs/forums THat do.

I reserve THe right to drop Affiliation wiTH any site THat since our connection posts twincest or similar, of any form be it Images, Video or FanFiction.
(& I check Affiliate sites regularly plz keep in mind) ; )

Looking forward to connecting wiTH you!