Name: Gustav Klaus Wolfang Schäfer
Birthdate: Sept 8, 1988
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birthplace: Magdeburg
Place of Residence: Magdeburg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Height: 1,70 m
Siblings: a sister (older)
Tattoos/Piercings: Shooting Star on inner left forarm, Wings & dagger across back/shoulders, ‘Hurt’ song Lyrics on right calf, Skulls on right shin.
Status: Single
Nicknames: Juschtel
– Bands: Metallica
– Song: ‘Sword OF Glory’, by Motorhead
– School Subject: Sport, economics
Hated Subject: Math, physics
First CD: ‘Black album’ of Metallica
First Koncert: Festival with Joe Cocker, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart and other musicians
Idol: “I’ve always admired Lars Ulrich of Metallica”
Wish: “Meals for all!”
Life Motto: “Everything has an inclination for the main thing”