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Hollywood, California


Hot Topic Fandomania Hot Topic Performance

THese videos can be found in THe THTV, Messages section of THe site.


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LIVE,Hot Topic - R.S.G.     LIVE,Hot Topic - Don't Jump     LIVE,Hot Topic - Monsoon

You can hear THe strain in Bill’s voice when he talks. 
Awwwe, poor Bill
. 🙁
His hair,… absolutely amazing!!!!

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Tokio Hotel’s landmark performance of ‘Monsoon’ at THe 2007 EMAs.
THe Olympiahalle ~ Munich, Germany

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Kika Kummerkasten, 2006

How would you tell someone that you really like her. Would you write a letter, or would you tell her personally, or maybe via sms?
TOM: I would write an sms. I find that a good way and then you don’t have to (???)

GEORG: Well, I think it is important that you don’t tell something like that with an sms or a letter. I think you should tell it personally.

But what if you don’t dare to tell her?

GEORG: When you don’t dare? Well, then is the sms the best way.

And how would you get her mobile phone number?

GEORG: Ehm…via friends, or well…that’s not that hard…

TOM: You can do that on your own. It’s not so hard to address someone.

So addressing someone isn’t the problem?


BILL: I also think the best way is sms, or maybe when you are on a party you give her something to drink.

Would you give a little gift to show you like someone?

GUSTAV: I’ve done it one time, it was maybe a half year ago. I wrote a letter and wrote in it that I’d seen her somewhere and
if we could meet etc. etc. And I wrote my mobile phone number at the bottom. Then I called her once, but her boyfriend picked up
the phone

Well, you saw; stars dont always have an easy life either. Gustav hasnt seen the girl since, but now hes got enough to do with
Tokio Hotel and the music