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 ~ Chapter V ~

‘Well Miss. Nightingale, you sure seem to find yourself in an awful way more so often then most.’

Were the words floating in the air around her . The cold steel of the surgical instruments chimed together as she randomly shuffled them around the tray in an attempt to look busy. Her reason for being there as unclear as the purpose of the tools in front of her.
‘Please Dr Hudson, call me Ruby.’

‘Und what shall I call you?

A voice from behind broke the scene’s routine. It wasn’t that of the distinguished DR, nor did it come from the platinum blond poised in the hospital bed. No, this voice was new to her ears (then why was it ringing of familiarity?)

‘Well,… what shall I call you?’

She felt as if she was moving through water. Everything seemed slowed and muffled.  Tye turned.  There, in the doorway stood a man.  Leaning casually to the right, his shoulder against the door’s frame. He was tall, 6′ or so she figured. His head titled downward and to the right. A brown Fedora shadowed him from clear view. All she could really see was a strong chiseled jawline that implied the face hidden was a handsome one.

‘Lets try again, shall we? What would your name be, pretty lady?’

He straightened and took a step forward. Tye strained to see, her vision coming in und out of focus. His chin raised as he looked directly into her eyes. A chill washed over her quickening her heart’s beat und coating her in fear.

“Tyyye, Breakfast!”  Jane called for the second time but still no answer. “…TYE?”   Why was she not up? Sleeping in wasn’t like her. ‘Wait, was she even home?’ Jane was certain she’d heard her come in last night. Staying out all night wasn’t like her either. There had only ever been a few nights that she had been out to an uncomfortably late hour. But that was several months ago, and she was no longer dating the boy with whom she ‘lost track of the time’. The worry was growing steadily as she made her way up the stairs to her daughter’s room.

“Tye,… Tye Honey…?”   She tapped on the door with one knuckle.  No answer.  She was reluctant to just enter the room without an invite.  Jane tried her best to respect Tye’s privacy but… “…Tye?”   She quietly opened the door. The morning sunlight that illuminated the upstairs hall from a large bay window at the home’s front beamed in through the opening casting light on Tye where she still lay in bed. Hearing a faint cry, Jane was immediately bedside.

“Tye, wake up! Wake Up Hun!”  Tye awoke with a gasp! Sitting straight up in her bed, beads of sweat covered her.
“Oh Baby, come here”  Jane cradled Tye in her arms. Stroking her dampened hair, rocking her softly back und forth as Tye trembled.
“shhhh, shhhh. it’s ok, I’m Here Hun,… I’m here”


On the floor, head leaned back against the desk Tom sat in a mental fog. Too much information thrust upon him within mere seconds of opening that file. Only expecting to find his birth Mother’s name, hoping to find a reason why he was there und not with her. Justification for his drive to prove that Krightner had been purposely sabotaging his every placement with a fostering family. Those were the answers he had expected to find, hoped to find.  But this, it was all too much to process.

A loud ‘click’ followed by chimes announcing the time as 2am startled Tom back to his senses. He looked down at the photos in his hand, then to the papers lane across his lap. Two am, the time he had clocked himself to be heading back to his room. It had felt to Tom as if hours had passed. Time seemingly in slow motion for him, he was sure reality had kept it’s standard pace. His plan still on track, he quickly gathered the file’s contents back into it’s folder.  He would have to alter the rest of his mission given the ‘adjustments’ he had made to the desk drawer.  He’d have to leave tonight.  No reason to copy any files now.  This was a small blessing, it would save him some time.  Time that was now needed to make his get-a-way.

The barge known as Bruce began its cruise down the corridor heading to the girls wing of the orphanage. Tom headed in the opposite direction, slipping back to his room file in hand.

With what Tom had selected to take already packed, quite the wad of cash to fund his freedom (saved allowances, und a few donations from his right wing wives), und his records he was set to go.  With absolutely no clue of which direction he should head, or where he’d end up, ‘Maybe, I should pack some eats’, he thought.

Although the commissary was a highly likely place to run into Brucey fruit, Tom knew that by now Big Boy would be settling down for another snooze so he would be safe to gather himself some food for the road. The kitchen and everything in it was locked up each night. Bruce had the keys to everything with a lock at Hill Ridge, and Tom had considered snatching the big guy’s key ring as he dosed instead of obtaining them from the lovely Jessica.  Little woke Bruce once sleeping, but the jingle of keys surely would.  Maybe they sounded like the dinner bell to him.  Whatever the reason, it wasn’t worth the risk and flirting the keys for the offices from some all-to-willing intern was a much easier task. Not necessary for the kitchen though, Tom had a set of kitchen keys himself.  This wasn’t so much a privilege as a necessity since it was he who got up early each morn to prep for breakfast.

Not wanting to take too much time preparing food, Tom went for some quick grabs.  Some fruit, slicing some meat und whipping up a few sandwiches he figured that would do.

“And just what is it that you think you are doing?!”   Tom practically jumped out of his skin!  Like nails on a blackboard, Krightner’s voice broke the silence of the dimly lit kitchen.

“Looks like a pic-nik, not breakfast. Planning on going somewhere?”   He was frozen where he stood.  Her presence was totally unexpected.  He hadn’t even factored this possibility into his back-up plan.  What the Hell was she doing there so early?  It was only 2:45am!  The dinosaur usually didn’t roll her old jalopy into the lot until 5.

If you asked her, she couldn’t tell you her reasons for coming in at such an hour either.  It was just ‘a feeling’ she had.  Tom had seemed just a little too content these last few weeks.  His calm meant her discomfort.  ‘What was going on in that head of his?’  This thought had been giving her one to many sleepless nights (or was it a guilty conscious? Naw, she’d never been bothered with one before).  Whatever it was setting signals off in her head, this time it was enough to send her to her office at an un-Godly hour in the morning.

All seemed the usual upon her arrival.  The halls hauntingly quiet (save Bruce’s chainsaw), all was still.  Her hands shook (they always did) as she grappled for the correct key for her office.  The second she stepped in she knew something was a-miss.  The air its self was different.  Krightner’s office smelt as she did, old und musty with a faint hint of the gardenia perfume she spritzed on each day.  Long gone was her desire to make any attempts to attract a male companion, it was more out of habit und melancholy that she retained that small part of her morning routine.  She didn’t notice these smells, they were too common to her.  What she did notice though was the faint sent of… man.  Someone had been in her office!  Her personal space! And, a man worst of all!  She clicked on the lights und panned the room from where she stood.  The file cabinet drawers were all in scattering degrees of open.  Anger started to build.  There was no question in her mind as to who had committed such an invasion!

“The file!”  Her mind filled with dread!  Had he found it?  Wood splinters cracked under her feet as she stepped to her desk.  Busted wide open und pawed through was the bottom compartment.  Even more shocking was what was left on her blotter.  A photo, or more correctly to say, half of a photo.  A torn remnant of a treasured keepsake.  Krightner’s image was staked to the desk with a letter opener.

“Well,…? Are you just going to continue to stand there like the dim wit that you are, or are you going to explain yourself?”
“I’m,… I’m not a Dim Wit”   Tom’s composure awakened with her insult.
“How dare you! You destroy my property! Go through My things!”
“Your things? Your Things? More like MY things!”  All these years he didn’t even know he had ‘things’.  Now that he did, he wasn’t about to let her continue to claim them.  She stepped towards him, he subconsciously stepped back.  She was furious.  Her skin seemed to be just draped over her bones, ever bit of it quivering as her rage grew.

“Just who the Hell do you think you are!”   These words angered him, and although this was a rhetorical question, he now knew the answer and felt compelled to sound out having now learned it.
“Tom Kaulitz. I’m Tom Kaulitz!”   Krightner burst out with a cackle more wicked then any childhood witch story could ever describe.
“You think a name gives you some sort of power? …”   Tom opened his mouth to respond but she cut him off with her continued rant all the while moving slowly towards him.

“… A ‘Family’ maybe? You never should have been given that name! You don’t even deserve to say that name!…”
“What the Fu -“  he was now backed against the serving counters.  No place to retreat from the battle axe’s assent.
“You have no one! No one wants you! I’m all you have or will ever have!!!”   She lunged at him!
“I have a Brother!”

Silence.  No response.  She said nothing.  She had charged toward Tom with fiery, grabbing at him.  But now, she said nothing.  Her grasp on his over sized T released.  Her body fell limp to the floor in front of him.  Tom just stood there, not understanding what had just taken place.  Did the old bird have a stroke?  A heart attack?  No, couldn’t be that, that requires that one have a heart.  She wasn’t moving.  It was then that Tom noticed that he still held the knife he had used while preparing his food.  Only now, it dripped crimson red.

Panic was slowly seeping its way in. What now?  Surely Bruce had heard the commotion.  He’d be coming any minute now.

“Auh Hell! Scheisse, scheisse, scheisse!…”  He had to stay calm, panic just wasn’t an option. Tom knew that ‘self defence’ just wouldn’t fly. Six foot man, scrawny old bag of bones…  No, no one would take his word of the nights events as fact.
“… ok, ok, ok,… think, Think!”  He paced a few steps back and forth, then stopped.  Looking at the object of all his pain regained his kuhl.

“Old Witch!”   Bending down, he wiped the blade clean with the powder blue wool of her, no doubt hand knitted, vest.  She deserved it.  Well of course she did.  Who gave her the power to decide a child’s life?  To rip them away from a proper upbringing!  Anyone else in his position would have done the same.  Wouldn’t they?  Besides, there was probably a long list of others that were just jonesin’ to sack the old broad.
This was the justification.  Now, … what to do about the body.

Twin Tyes – Chapter I:

If you enjoyed THe 1st chapter, please read on!
Chapter VI
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~ Chapter IV ~


“You know,… you’ll go blind watching TV that close.”  The voice from behind startled her but her eyes stayed fixed to the figure on the screen.
“Sshhh! Look! Look!”
“What? I don’t -…”  Bill stood, stepping over the coffee table in front of him to sit with his agitated friend. Tye’s arm flailed around behind her, locating his hand she grasped it und gave a sharp tug.
“LOOK, Right there! Do you see?”  Bill came down solid on his knees beside her.
“Ouch, Hey … what is it I’m supo -“  She turned und looked at Bill, a grimmis still on his face from his abrupt contact with the floor.
“I’m sorry…”  She paused then, just for a second or so. The flickering light of the TV highlighting his handsome features temporarily de-railed her train of thought. ‘wow,… Bill had always been an attractive boy but -‘

“It’s ok. Now, what Are we looking at here?”
“Hmm? Oh! ya, look Right there -“  Tye brought her attentions back to the the screen, pointing a finger from her free hand to the screen. It hadn’t registered to her that Bill still had a hold of the hand that brought him down to her side.

“… but he was, There was a… He was right there!”  She had seen him, that man standing in the doorway. She hadn’t imagined it He WAS there!
“Who was? Tye-Tye, what are you on about?”  All she could do was stare at the screen.. The show now over, the finishing titles running. She was clearly out of sorts but Bill had no clue as to why or what he could do to settle her. Men rarely do. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to put his arms around her, but he instead gave her hand a slight squeeze.
“I watch this show religiously. Every episode, each time it runs. I have been all summer. He was never there before… I know he wasn’t!”
“Who wasn’t…?”  Placing his finger tips gently to her chin, he turned her to face him. “Who Tye?”

Tye considered that she very well may be going crazy. She had a whiteness right here, why had he not seen what she had? All that he seemed have been a whiteness to was her little trip into insanity.  Looking at Bill now, into his questioning eyes as they searched for answers to her distress, calm began to settle in. Along with it came the realization of her present setting, and how it was awakening butterflies in her stomach.

“Ignore me, I’m loosing my mind. It’s nothing.”  Trying to lighten the mood und brush off her odd behavior Tye smiled and gave a half hearted giggle.
“It didn’t seem like nothing, and… I could never ignore you.”  Bill continued his stare, but the look in his eyes had changed. Tye couldn’t look away. Those little butterflies were fluttering up a storm, subtly pulling her forward. ‘What are you doing?’, a voice in her head spoke out. Closing her eyes for a brief second, she took a breath to gather her senses.

“It’s late, I should probably get going…”  Bill’s voice broke the silence, und her trance. She was grateful for it too. She wasn’t sure whether she could have stopped herself. Stopped herself from what exactly, she wasn’t sure she wanted to admit.  “… You’re going to be ok now?”  he continued.
“Yes, I’ll be fine. I must just be tired.”  Another attempt to fluff over the night’s awkward events.

He now stood, offering his support for her to do the same with the gentle clasp he had maintained on her hand.

“Why thank you kind sir.”  their eyes met again, in a brief recall of the evening. They both smiled and she walked him to the door.

The night air was scented with that particular ‘after rain’ smell. Damp soil and earthworms with an underlining sweetness. Sounds dreadful, but is an oddly fresh feeling. Mild weather for the season. The two stood on the porch in the quiet absorbing the atmosphere.

“I’m glad you came over. I’m.. I’m glad you moved back.” She stammered with feelings that just wouldn’t form into words. Bill had been her best friend for most of her childhood. As long as she could remember it was Bill who she would turn to, who she sought comfort in. Those feelings were all flooding back. Coating her in a wave of security she hadn’t felt, well since before her mother had passed. It was nice. Tye remembered now the image of that scrawny, but oddly graceful little boy, standing outside her window. Pelting it with little pebbles, a signal for her to try und sneak out. This image brought a smile, one she tried to stop but couldn’t as it turned into a giggle. Bill was sure to think her insane now, but she just couldn’t stop. The more she tried, the worse it got!

“What? … What’s so funny?…”  Confused but prompted to smile himself by her contagious giggling, it wasn’t long b4 they were both laughing.
“…Tye, what is so funny?”
“Nothing, absolutely nothing!…”  more giggles. “… I have no idea why I’m so giddy.”
“If you don’t even know, then why am I laughing?”
“I don’t know!”  Uncontrollable but hushed snickers spilled from the both of them.
“Shhh… we’ll wake the whole neighborhood!”
“Ok, ok… I’m, I’m calm.”  She reached out, touching his arm.. He stepped closer und wrapped his arms around her shoulders as their laughter subsided. A hug well needed, ice now broken. The two friends connected once again as they had when children.

They were of course no longer children. This six foot stretch of Man standing on the porch with her now was going to take some getting use to. As were her changing feelings towards him.

Bill however had always had feelings for Tye. He’d never told her though, Heavens no! He had wanted to. Many times he had tried to steer the conversation in that direction. Hoping that she would say something, Anything that might encourage his young ideas of romance. He wasn’t sure what he would do exactly if she had, but that in no way stopped the constant replaying in his mind of that possible moment.

The porch light flashed on, then off… then on and off again.  Jane did not wish to interrupt what she perceived to be young love sprouting right there on her front stoop, but the mother in her was considering the hour.  She in no way distrusted Tye.  She wasn’t even concerned about the intentions of this young man her daughter was out there with as she had been with a few of the other boys that had in the past come to call.  But still, the hour was late.  She was strongly tempted to peek through the curtains, wanting to wait for Tye to come in so she could ask like a school girl at a slumber party how the night had gone.  Jane hesitated a few minutes, taking a couple of back und forth paces at the bottom of the stairs before she headed back to bed.

“Subtle, isn’t she.”
“Not too.”  Bill responded, taking a small step back the embrace released.  Both looking out into the night. Here it comes, the awkward good night.  ‘This is so crazy, what is my problem? It’s just Bill.  Say goodnight already!’ this debate went on in her mind as they stood in silence for what was beginning to feel like an eternity.

“Nice night”   Bill took a step forward and down the top step. ‘Oh great, talking about the weather’. Death for conversation.
“Yes, it was”   Deciding to steer clear of the climate, Tye twisted the direction of his comment.
“Oh yes, yes it was but I was..-“   Bill turned back to face her.
“I know…”   she smiled.  He was looking concerned that she might have thought he didn’t agree.
“Tonight was great, I dint mean -“
“I know, I know, its ok.”   Where he stood now, a few steps down, it was putting them at about eye level.  He was standing there, the tips of his fingers crammed into the tight front pockets of his jeans, his usual stance.  Looking around.  More avoidance, more awkward silence. Her butterflies were all a flutter.

“I think Jane has plans to get together tomorrow. She’s been baking.”
“Oh? I hope she’s better at it then Mom is!”   Bill shuddered at the thought of forcing down yet another crucified confection.  Simone never stopped trying to ‘create’ in the kitchen, bless her heart (und all that are subjected to her cooking).  Tye laughed at his expression.
“No worries, she’s actually really good at it.”
“Whew!”  The mood lightened, he chanced a glance her way.  She was looking in his direction, but their eyes didn’t meet.  She had been scanning him up und down without even realizing she was doing so.
“So… tomorrow then?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes! Tomorrow”

After exchanging smiles, and a slight giggle from Tye, Bill turned and headed down the walk.  About 5 paces away, he paused.  Contemplating a second, then continued on his path. He was resisting the urge to look back (to go back).  Almost at his own front walkway he stopped again.  ‘Was she? No…’ he shook his head slightly as his thoughts reviewed the evening.  ‘Wait… ya,.. She was checking me out!’
He looked across the lawns that separated their houses to see if Tye was still standing there.  Her porch light now off, he could see nothing. She must have gone in, so he did the same.

She watched as he walked to the street.  He then paused his stride.  Tye wasn’t sure why he’d stopped but something made her quickly and quietly deek into the house.  She didn’t want him to see that she was watching him.  Once inside she leaned her back against the door.  Butterflies in flight, the giggles bubbling their way out again.  “What the Frick is my issue!?!”  She whispered to herself.  She had liked boys before, of course.  She had felt jitters in her stomach und her nerves kicking up, but she had always managed herself with composure.  Tye kept her emotions under tight lock und key for the most part.  Something that started with her need to cope when she lost her parents.

After giving her head a shake, she shut off the porch light und started for the stairs.  Two steps up, something caught her eye.  Laying there over the back of the chair Jane had placed es on earlier was Bill’s jacket.  She reached over the banister, picked it up, und took it with her to her room.  It was late, she was tired.  The day had been a bit of an emotional topsy turvy.  Not really wanting to run through the entire bed-readying process she changed, quickly gave her teeth a brush then crawled into bed.  She lay there in the dark a few minutes then sat back up.  Bill’s jacket.  It was just resting there innocently across the foot of her bed, but she felt as if Bill knew it was there somehow.  Crazy thought but still.  Getting out of bed she picked it up, this time putting it over a hook on her closet door.  In bed once again she turned her back to to where it hung. A few more minutes passed.  She sat up.  Out of bed, und across the room she went. Grabbing the soft leather of the jacket she slid into it’s long sleeves.  The lining was cool on her bare arms. She felt foolish but what did it matter? Who was to know? She certainly wouldn’t tell anyone. This time when she laid her head to her pillow sleep found her instantly.

Twin Tyes – Chapter I:

If you enjoyed THe 1st chapter, please read on!
Chapter V
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~ Chapter III ~

Standing over her now, his mind raced in an attempt to justify his actions.

     ‘”Old Witch!”  Bending down, he wiped the blade clean with the powder blue wool of her, no doubt hand knitted, vest. She deserved it. Well of course she did. Who gave her the power to decide a child’s life? To rip them away from a proper upbringing! Anyone else in his position would have done the same. Wouldn’t they? Besides, there was probably a long list of others that were just jonesin’ to sack the old broad.
This was the justification. Now, what to do about the body.

It hadn’t been an easy road for Tom. His childhood rot with abuse, filled with torment. The orphanage in which he was raised was a cold and harsh environment for a child to grow up in. Void of hugs, lacking in any true affection. He had no parents to guide him. To teach him right from wrong. The only thing learned was a strong distrust for authority and a very poor sense of self worth.

The ‘care givers’ at Hill Ridge Home were far from warm in their handling of the children in their keep. Leaving Tom with no one to comfort his tortured thoughts. The questions repeated over and over in his mind left unanswered. ‘Why?’  Why was he there? Where were his parents? What had happened to them? Why was he left there? Thoughts he had in common with most all of the children there, but that is where the similarities ended. He always found it hard to form a real friendship with any of them. As soon as he felt he’d found some one to friend, they were gone. To a foster home, then adopted. Some were adopted right off! Not Tom. He had gone to live in few foster homes but they never seemed to work out. Some were truly horrid. He had been beaten for no reason clear to him. Worked like a slave in one or two. But there were a couple, places he really wanted to stay. A place he wanted to call home. But, each and every time, it was back to Hill Ridge he went.
His inability to form any sort of bond with anyone was another question he’d not been able to answer. The one occasion he attempted to get an answer from old Ms. Krieghtner, the response was one of patronizing disdain.

     “My Dear Thomas,… some little boys are just not adoptable. You just don’t belong,… you belong nowhere. Best you stay here.”  His big brown eyes stared back at her. They welled up with tears as they had many a night, but he didn’t want her to see. Turning from her, he headed back to his room to once again unpack his few things.

Those words never left him. They ran through his mind as rampantly as his growing thoughts of aggression. ‘She was wrong!’, she just had to be! Tom knew he belonged ‘somewhere’. He felt it. It wasn’t just the visions he had, the many dreams of a better life. There was something missing. He felt it the strongest while watching the other children playing. Something was missing, a part of him. It wouldn’t be to long before he founds out what was behind this feeling. When he does, it is at this moment, when something inside just snapps.

The concept of a normal up-bringing had been abandoned long ago. Matured mentally past his years, Tom was now growing into a young man. He found ways of coping with his existence at this Hell hole, the only home he had ever known. There was the volunteering in the kitchen. But the biggest distraction was his late night creepings over to the right wing of Hill Ridge, where the girl’s dorms were.

Seventeen years of age now and six feet of pure trouble as far as the death defying Ms. Krieghtner was concerned. Tall and lean. Long blond dreadlocks cascaded over now squared shoulders. Cutting his hair was something that was just not going to happen. The caretakers tried. Oh how they tried. Catching that boy was like trying to gab a bar of wet soap! Once his height towered most of the attendants, they just gave up. Tom waltzed around the darkened halls as if he himself ran the orphanage. He’d been there so long now that the staff knew to just stay clear. Tom was seemingly allowed to do whatever he pleased (except for leave). Any new interns that came soon learned as well. Especially the young pretty ones. Sure, they were four or more years older then he but with his charms and handsome face, a crooked little grin was all that was needed to get his way. It was one of these interns that facilitated Tom in discovering some of the truths behind his placement at Hill Ridge.

Jessica. Her arrival most assuredly did not sit well with the female wards. Her petite but shapely frame caught Tom’s eye straight away. His nightly visits to the enamored girls became few and far between, much to the dismay of many. They were certain that this little harlot had stolen Tom’s heart, least case, his Attentions. Love was the furthest thing from his mind though. His intent with the unassuming intern was far more contrived. Jessica was a files clerk.

     “Tommm,… I can’t”  her sheepish refusals meant little.
     “Sure you can. Just leave the cabinets unlocked.”  He stepped closer, backing her into the shelves. The cans and containers in the small stalk room rattled together as she bumped up against the steel racks.
     “No,.. no I really can’t. They lock automatically when the – …”  her words cut off. Tom raised an arm over her shoulder to the shelves behind her and leaned in towards her.  “… when the drawers c, cl – …”  the long slender fingers of his other hand played with the plastic name tag clamped to her left breast pocket.  “… close.”  finally managing to complete her sentence.

     “uh huh, well then. Give me the keys.”  she stared at his lips as he talked. Full, soft, and the most perfect natural pink she had ever seen.

     “So,… how about those keys?”  Was she actually considering giving him access to classified fies? He teased the silver of the half ring pierced though the corner of his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue.  She wasn’t sure where he had acquired the jewelry, but Tom was not without his resources. He probably did the pierce himself she figured. It didn’t matter. It looked good and the way he played with it drove her crazy! So was she actually considering giving him keys?  Damn Right She Was!  His hand moved from the tag, down her side, over her waist. He was close to her, too close. Lips seconds from hers, his hand continued, lightly sliding over her thigh.  Was Jessica aware of what Tom was up to?  Did it matter?  Tom’s fingers clutched around the keys in her pocket.

     “Thank you.” A mere whisper.  Then the sound of the door as it closed behind him. Leaving Jessica eyes still closed, mouth wanting, alone in the darkened storage room.

He couldn’t go now. He’d have to wait. Bruce would be roaming the main halls that lead to the offices. Bruce, also known as ‘Brucey Fruit’. A nick-name he was aware that he was called by, but was not too found of. The wards found it all too suiting though. He was a large man, mostly due to over eating but tall as well. With a rather unprofessional fondness for the young males in which he had been placed in charge of. Most laughed and cracked jokes at his expense when he was not within earshot. Bruce wasn’t the predatory type. There were no concerns of him miss using his position. All the same though, none were really wanting to get into a tussle with him. His presents did the job of keeping them in line for the most part.

Tom’s files should have been downstairs in the basement archives, but they hadn’t been. He had already checked there. He couldn’t quite figure out the reason for that but it was his strong suspicion that the crotchety old Ms. Krightner was keeping his files somewhere closer to her control. That old bag had it in for him from day one. That much he knew and he was determined to find out exactly why.

Tom lay there on his bed in the dark staring at the celling, waiting. Brucey fruit would be passed out in a chair, having filled his belly with leftover Mac-n-Cheese from the cafeteria by about 1am. He glanced at the clock, 1:10am. A few more minutes, just to be sure.

Just as suspected, there was a large snoring mound fast asleep in the lobby. Tom slipped by unnoticed and quietly let himself into Kreightner’s office. There were only a few cabinets in the rather large office. It shouldn’t take him long. The plan was to find his file, copy the documents he was seeking, and slip back to his room unnoticed to ready his escape from this Hell hole. A small pocket flashlight held in his mouth he rummaged threw the files.

     “Where is it?…”  he whispered around the penlight clenched in his teeth. “Where The Fffu -…”  His frustration growing he turned from he cabinets scanning the room. “Where have you hidden then you tricky old Bat?! … The Desk”, must be!
     “DAMN!”  all those drawers were locked as well. Jessica wouldn’t have the keys to those. Standing there a moment he contemplated his next move. Time was running out. He had to get those files! grabbing a letter opener from the desk, Tom rammed it into the slight gap at the side of the drawer. The desk was old, it’s wood frame gave way to the pressure with loud CRACK. He froze, listening… nothing but the chainsaw snore of good old Brucey Fruit. There would be no hiding the mess he had just made. Splinters lay everywhere. At this point he no longer cared. He’d just have to leave sooner then planned is all. Back to the task at hand. Finding his file, his answers (or so he had hoped).

Receits, some petty cash. The crony’s secret stash of hooch… ‘Hmm’, a tattered file folder under it all. Tom held it in his hand now. He knew this was it, he was certain! Taking a deep breath he opened it. A few loose papers, no… photos, fell to the floor. Tom knelt to pick them up. They were old, chronicrom. One of a house, of a man, the last was that same man with a woman. The man, he looked like… like Tom. Almost the spitting image! His heart was racing. Could this be a relative? A Grandfather? The one with the woman, Grandmother maybe? Wait a second, the picture wasn’t too clear but… the woman. That face.

     “Holy Sheisse!”  it was KRIGHTNER! Tom’s head was spinning. What did this mean? He couldn’t wrap his mind around the truth that was staring him in the face. All those thoughts would have to be sorted out later. He needed to continue.

The city in which he was born. The hospital, no wait… Mid-Wife. He was born at home (the house in the photo possibly?). Something about complications. The documents were soiled, it was hard to read everything. Dried flowers had been pressed between the sheets of paper. Bits stuck here and there over the type. Plus Tom was still in a daze over the pictures. He proceeded to read. His birth date, weight/height at birth, time of – Tom’s next breath stopped in his chest. Ten minutes after his birth, another was born. Tom had a twin.

Twin Tyes – Chapter I:

If you enjoyed THe 1st chapter, please read on!
Chapter IV
Chapter V
(comments are appreciated) ; )

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~ Chapter II ~

‘Honey, please! I’d rather be kissing that than your ugly mug!’  The young woman on the screen flicked a lock of long platinum hair over her shoulder and stormed off down a long empty corridor, disappearing around the corner. A man, looking to be in his late fifties, followed after her, fists clenched down at his sides as he strode.

Tye watched with wide eyes as the characters engaged in heated argument while their little cat and mouse chase continued up a spiraling staircase. She knew what was going to happen. Not just because she had been watching the third running of this very same season, but because even a young child could figure out the predictable plots of these early crime dramas. One couldn’t help but to laugh at the exaggerated acting and forced screams, as the woman fell backwards to surly to her death.

“Typical. Who wouldn’t have seen that coming.”
“Not everyone has committed every episode to memory Tye.”
   Jane stated from the doorway joining the dining area to the sitting room. Holding a bowl to her hip, she stirred a pudding like batter rapidly with a wire whisk. A dusting of flour over her ‘Taste My Cookies’  apron, and a liberal amount powdered across each cheek.

“Why is it that no matter what you’re cooking, you always manage to get more on your face then in the bowl?”  Giggling, she pointed to a large gold leaf mirror that hung on the dining room wall. Jane turned to examine her reflection and soon joined Tye in her laughter upon seeing the white powder coating each cheek.

“Well …maybe I like it there. Gives me that regal, 17th century look, don’t ya think?”   Tye rolled her eyes and turned back to the television denying Jane satisfaction from her amused grin.

Miracle upon miracle, the statuesque blond survived her tumble down the stair. The next scene has transported it’s audience into a blindingly white hospital room. Poor quality black and white combined with the monochrome room blended all objects together. Tye knew every inch of the setting though. The lady’s hair perfectly quaffed, regardless of the ordeal she had just been through, lie partially upright, a band of gauze wrapped her forehead looking more like a fashion statement then a bandaged wound. The nurse tending to a tray of surgical implements, that served no purpose in being there. And the Doctor, A tall, typically handsome man, distinguishedly graying at the temples. And yes, she knew every line as well.

‘Well Miss. Nightingale, you sure seem to find yourself in an awful way more so often then most.
‘Please Dr Hudson, call me Ruby.’

“Must you recite each line?”  Tye hadn’t even realized that she had been doing so.  More laughing from the direction of the kitchen.

“Oh, I’m sorry I dih – “   Just then, something on the screen caught her eye.  “What the…?”   There, in the background. Standing just outside the doorway of the hospital room, there was a man. Hard to make out, but there was definitely a figure standing there. Tye went up to the TV to have a closer look, but just then the scene changed. Back at the ‘Cop Shop’. Being a crime drama, this was the center of every episode, and where this one ended.

 “Hun? Tye? You were saying?”   Jane was in the entrance again.

“Umm, nothing. Shows over…”   She clicked off the TV and walked over to where Jane stood.
“…What is it that you are mucking up anyway? It’s starting to smell really good.”   Jane stepped back into the kitchen. Tye closely following. If this were a cartoon, there would be a smoke-like swirl trailing from the oven and taking hold of  Tye’s nose with a ‘follow me’ beckoning finger of fragrance.

“Well, I thought that it would be nice to take a cake over to Simone. After all, It is us that should have welcomed them to the neighborhood instead of them having to introduce themselves.”

“I really don’t think that is -”

“It will give me a chance to get better acquainted. I really think that Simone and I will be great friends…”   Jane got a particular grin on her face just then. ‘Necessary’ is what Tye was going to finish her sentence with had Jane let her.  Not necessary?  Socially correct, so why not necessary?  In Tye’s mind, ‘not necessary’ because it would prompt another awkward encounter with someone she never was awkward around before.

“… Besides, You can come with me. Spend some more time with that nice young man.”  She turned and shot a wink Tye’s way. Again, she felt a blush raising in her cheeks. ‘What is up with that?!’, she was asking herself. ‘Why do I keep doing that?!’. What would seem to be a normal reaction for most, was quite troubling for Tye. Bill was her friend, her best friend.

“He’s just a friend Jane!”   She fired back. More so to convince herself then Jane.

“Hm hmm, sure he is Hun.”   Continuing to fuss about, readying her offering. Tye wondered out of the room, consumed in her thoughts. As she continued through the sitting room, the TV caught her eye. Just sitting there, screen now dark, lifeless. Her mind carried her back to that figure. The man in the hall. Was it possible that he had been there all along and she just hadn’t noticed? No, it wasn’t! Tye had studied every episode, every set, every character. There was never anyone in that doorway! That was a definite! How could this man possibly be there now?



“Bill! What are you doing up there?”   Simone kindly bellowed from downstairs. THDUMP THDUMP. He was on his bed, laying on his back. Tossing a ball against the angled pitch of the ceiling above him. Bill had never really been the type interested in sports of any kind really, but this didn’t stop Simone from trying to get him all of the standard ‘guy stuff’.  There had been at least one item of sports equipment among the pile of birthday gifts for up to 13 years of his life. After he had gone off to school, she had sent just one more. I small grapefruit sized basket ball. Most of the things had been boxed and donated to little boys that would actually use them, but this last gift he had hung on to. A fond memory of the loving attempts of his Mother. It was this ball that he relentlessly lofted into the air now.

At Simon’s request, he stopped this action. Still lieing there. Staring up. Thinking of Tye. What now? Should he phone her? No, no he couldn’t do that. He hadn’t her number or even the last name that she may be listed under now.

“I should have asked that. Why didn’t I ask that?”  He spoke to himself. THDUMP …oops

“SORRY”  Bill apologetically voiced back. Tossing the ball into a open box of clothing he had yet to unpack properly, he sat to the edge of his bed. ‘This is crazy!’ He thought. Up to his feet he grabbed a cropped black leather jacket off the back of his door and headed downstairs.

“Going for a walk, be back later.”
“But, what, where – ?”  A kiss on her check and out the door he went!


The whole day shot, nothing exciting to speak of. School had just ended for break and she was already bored. How would she ever make it through the summer? ‘Bill’, a small voice in her head whispered. Well, that was true. She had the whole summer to get re-acquainted with her best friend. There was her show, that was an entertaining way to end each day. However now, it held this added mystery to feed her addiction. The ‘Mystery Man’. Tye had tried to locate the series on DVD or even VHS, Beta even!  But, as of yet her search remained unsuccessful.  If it hadn’t made it to video tape sales, it was doubtful that anyone would think money could be made by putting it to DVD.  She hung on to hopes, what with channels like ‘Deja View’ dedicated to reruns of such old series, she hung on to her hopes that it was not only herself that appreciated ‘The Classics’.  That image however, would rot her brain until she could validate what she had seen. There would be a late showing of this same episode at midnight. She’d have to stay up! Watch it again to alleviate her mind.

“I worry that you are taking this show of yours a little too seriously Tye. I mean, staying up so late to watch an episode that you’ve just seen? And that isn’t the first time you’ve watched it either Hun.”   In Motherly mode, Jane expressed her concern as she gathered a large quilt and pillow to aid in Tye’s comfort for her ‘all-nighter’. Just then, the doorbell sounded. The two looked to the door, then back at each other, questioningly.

 “I wonder who that would be?”  Jane piled the bedding on top of  Tye where she sat on the sofa and headed to the door. Tye was unsure of who might be ringing at this hour, but the lurch in her stomach (‘Bill’) and that relentless little voice in her head (‘Bill’), gave her a clue.

“I’m sorry Mrs… um, Miss huh… -”
“Jane, Jane will be just fine dear.”
“Jane…”  He smiled sheepishly. “…I’m sorry for the hour, but could I possible speak with Tye? Please?”
“You most certainly may.”  She stepped back to let him in. Once again, she was impressed. Everything about this boy was attractive, but mostly, it was his Ora. There was just this positive ‘feel good’ vibe that radiated from him. And he was tall too, tall in nice.

“Someone here to see you Tye.”  Bill walked to the entrance of the sitting room and stood, fingertips shoved into tight front jean pockets again, looking a bit uncomfortable with his decision to show up there.

“May I take your jacket?”  He slipped it off, and handed it over to Jane. A quiet “Thank-you” as he did so. Jane was standing behind Bill and off to the side. Her eyebrows raised as high as her hairline practically, the silly faces had started. The ones that this time were trying to convey; ‘OMG, he’s sooo cute! SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!’. Tye tried to discretely fire a ‘Oh please just go, you’ll embarrass me!’ face, back at her. Bill felt there was something going on between the two that he wasn’t privy to. He looked back to Jane in time to catch her a ‘Invite him in!’ grin, although he wasn’t able to dicipher the code.

“Well then,…OK. I’m off to bed! You two behave yourselves.”  She gave a wink to Bill, layed his jacket over the back of a chair that sat in the front hall and proceeded up the stairs to her room. ‘behave yourselves’, she had to say that!? Embarrassment confirmed.

“I’m sorry, Please excuse her. Come in, have a seat”  Giving the blankets a toss into the neighboring chair, she patted the couch.
“I shouldn’t have come so late. Maybe I should go.”  said as he slowly took a few steps around the end of the couch, then stopped. Standing still with fingers securely in his pockets.
“Nonsense! It’s only 10:00. Sit, I insist.” 

A large bowl of popcorn, and several cans of cola later, Tye awoke with a start! The two had reminisced until falling asleep on the couch. Both tucked under the blanket, Tye found herself resting on his arm. She looked to him, he was out like a light. Thank goodness. That saved her some awkwardness waking first. Oh wait! The time! Had she missed it? 12:38am. Whatever woke her from her slumber right at that moment, had perfect timing!

‘Well Miss. Nightingale, you sure seem to find yourself in an awful way more so often then most.’
‘Please Dr Hudson, call me Ruby.

OK, here it was. The hospital room. Tye got off the couch ever so carefully as to not wake Bill.  Having to explain to him what she had thought she had saw that she had never seen before in an old Dick Tracy knock off show that she has seen over and over, was not really something she wanted added to her undefined emotional stirrings when around him.  She sat on the floor in front of the TV. THERE! Once again, in the doorway! There Was a man there! She knew she hadn’t imagined it!  She moved even closer to the screen, straining her eyes to get a better look. He seemed, familiar some how. It also seemed as though, he was looking straight back at her.


Twin Tyes – Chapter I:

If you enjoyed THe 1st chapter, please read on!

Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
(comments are appreciated) ; )

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