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Today Celebrates the 20th Birthday of Germany’s most successful/famous twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel!

In only four years they ascended from the Magdeburger, a band to worldwide success of the German rock band, which sold more than six million CDs have sold-out tours around the world.

BILD had an intimate birthday conversation with Bill Kaulitz .
Rock star talks about Its mirror image

Bill: “I Never look in the mirror in the morning and say to myself, ‘Wow, you’re hot!” To my face and body have a normal relationship. I feel good.”

His slim figure

Bill: ““I nourish myself nearly only on almost all unhealthy food and just ordered a pizza one after another. I have to disappoint you, I am so skinny.”

His property

Bill: “We make good money, but we are no multi-millionaires, like many think. When the dust settles. Ninety percent of advertising contracts, which we have offered, I dropped out of because the brand or product, I will come to nothing. I just do things that I personally see as good. ”

Its luxury goods

Bill: “I give a lot of money for vacation, that’s really sick and full exaggeration. But I have so few holidays and I really enjoy it.”


Bill: “When I finished school, I bought a Rolex, though the sale’m not interested at all. It seems to me just happy to have in 18 Rolex watches. In fact, is totally stupid.”

His sex life

Bill: “I have no girlfriend and sex without love is not for me. With that my brother had to miss my time.”

His preferences

Bill: “I like nice hands. First, always look at his hands. And the eyes are also very important. Hair I do not care.”

His loneliness

Bill: “When I was alone after a concert, when it’s suddenly quiet in the hotel room, sometimes I do not know what to do with myself.”

His companions in bed

Bill: “In bed with me sleeping, my four dogs. I could never do without it. The closer to me, it’s beautiful. I can only advise everyone: Take to your bed, all of your dogs!”. The closer to me, it’s beautiful. I can only advise everyone: Take to your bed, all of your dogs!”

His feelings

Bill: “I must admit that picture, which I start to cry as the movie ”Diary of a Love.“  Now you probably think a lot: Hah, we knew bugger yelps when you sit before television.”

His mistakes

Bill: “I believe I can be challenging. Sometimes I’m pretty rude in what I say. Then retroactively say that I’ve had to leave too.”

His career end

Bill: “After the surgery my vocal cords last year I wanted to hit everything. I thought: Oh God, I want my next show up at the camera. But for me there is only music. If I now have to educate, not knowing in which direction. ”

His concern

Bill: “Generally I am afraid that something happens people in my vicinity. But if something happened to my dogs, I equally afraid with it.”

His program on

Bill: “I’m a total night owl. During the production of albums, I was mostly in the morning to six in the recording studio and then I turn in afternoon. Usually I see the world only from planes, hotels.”

His workday

Bill: “For years I was shopping alone, I can not remember when I was last in the supermarket. I do not know how much is a cube of butter. This is not to say a normal life.”

His birthday

Bill: “Tom and I want to celebrate privately with family and friends. In addition, we wanted the night to rent a roller coaster. Have we ever did not go on a roller coaster. We love this scheisse.”

original article

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Bill Kaulitz goes never goes out of the house before the appointed time that his make-up is in place, says the woman of the record company.  And when the delicate young man stands before you, you get a slight idea of how much time his appearance takes. Among the perfectly set, dyed black hair, dreadlocks peek out, the eyelids to graced with a composition of black and white, matching the painted nails. The hands in leather gloves have difficulty separating the mass of chains that are attached to his black shirt. His twin Tom is sitting next to him on a couch in a hotel room with pink walls. He fancies himself as a street rocker with his leather jacket and braided hair. No less expensive, but not so conspicuous. Two ordinary guys framed in a pop-star reality.

Welt am Sonntag: Bill, Tom, you both have a birthday on the 1st of September, what do you want?

Bill Kaulitz: I wish to see my family and friends, and to drink coffee. I love coffee, I drink gallons of it. And I’d like a round of coffee with cream pies. And it would great if all were over 60. So we can have a really good gossip session.

Tom: With older people talking it results in conversations that are completely off the beaten track. They have very different thoughts. It would be good for both of us to each have a Sunday tea-party.

Do you have material desires?

Bill: No.

A new car perhaps?

Tom: I don’t think there are many people that would give me something that extravagant. But of course, I would be happy with a new car.

You are turning 20. Are you an adult?

Bill: I think I’ll never grow up. But growing up is also relative, I already thought since 13 that I can do anything, and I felt old enough to go to clubs and drink alcohol. I always felt older than I am.

You have finished your secondary school certificate by distance learning and have been awarded for a particularly good performance.

Bill: This is nearly embarrassing, right?

A little bit.

Bill: Tom and I hated school. That was the worst time in our lives. I feel sorry for anyone that has to go to school.

What was so bad?

Tom: Most of the people offended due to our appearance. Worst of all, I find that the personality of each individual is totally suppressed in the institution of schooling.

Bill: Tom and I were transferred into different classes for disciplinary reasons in the 7th grade. We were real problem children, and were almost expelled from school. But not because of drugs or fights. But because we used to discuss everything, which the teachers hated. And then you realize that learning to become a teacher is not selective enough. Many slip into study because they see no other way. But to be a teacher, you have to really want to learn and to have passion to teach.

You have so many of your fans that see you as a role model. Are there any values that you want to convey?

Tom: We are actually not role models.

But you are in a certain way. Are you aware?

Tom: No, not often. One must also be free to make your own decisions. We have limited time, anyway. In any case, I want to make certain in no case that I do not use insult words in interviews.

You have however committed, for example, to an anti-AIDS campaign.

Tom: Of course, sometimes we try to stand up for things we find important. But in the end: I don’t want to be a role model or idol. I hate the idea of it and I never will be a role-model.

Do you vote?

Tom: Um, yes. Let’s see.

Bill: At least the first time we did.

How high is the percentage of normalcy in your life?

Bill: One percent.

Is it the same as with international stars, that you cannot even go out shopping?

Tom: Yes, absolutely. When we started making music, we were at an age where our parents bought everything for us and now we are in an age where we need to do that ourselves, and we can not.

Bill: It sounds kind of cool to have a personal assistant, who has to worry about things like that. But sometimes I would like to be able to choose my own yogurt.

Tom: In the U.S., there are also supermarkets, which are open 24 hours a day. So you can also visit there a four in the morning, when nobody else is there. There we once walked into a toy department, and brought us everything. Guns with arrows and remote-controlled cars.

Bill: And then we had rocketed cars. Totally ridiculous.

And how do you buy your clothes?

Bill: This is usually done on the Internet or from the catalogue. So boring. But sometimes you have to jump out of the shadows, say f*** it, stop standing out there, photographers and fans outside the door. Sometimes you have to go out just to live.

What’s on catering to your wish list?

Bill: Actually, there is a new one every year. And I must admit that it is pretty long. But we are so seldom at home, and so you try to make wherever you are beautiful. The most important thing to get right is coffee and blankets in the hotels. These rugs are the worst. Because it feels like being at camp. That is what is most important to me, a true ceiling and a real pillow.

Have you actually still quite normal friendships from the past?

Bill: Not really. In the Tokio Hotel time we haven’t added any new friends because you can’t really get to know them. Anyone who touches us, generally already has an opinion about us.

You use extra caution when it comes to people because you have often been deceived?

Tom: Yes, most of them with hidden agendas. We have had many experiences at the beginning of our career. At 15 we were at an after-show party, and have of course been photographed with alcohol. Back then it was like this: You drank a sip of alcohol, and then the magazine editors called the next day, wanting a scoop.

But you probably got coaching in how to deal with such situations.

Tom: No, we never have. And I do not need someone who tells me how I should respond to these questions.

Bill: You have to learn it yourself. By living and accepting that there are times when there are wrong things printed in the newspaper.

Do you have psychological support for such times?

Tom: The psychological care comes from our family and friends. I would imagine maybe getting professional help, but we have no time.

Bill: When people do that, I can understand it. The problem is, I believe that it doesn’t always help.

Tom: I also always think I’m smarter than the psychologist himself

Bill: Exactly. I would be like; All of what I’m telling you I’m telling you deliberately, because it’s my problem. And then the psychologist would say: Yes, you need time to think about it. And then I think to myself: Yeah great, I also knew before.

original article



I’m still not allowed to talk but I can write so I thought I would drop you a line here at to let you know how everything is going

Most of you probably heard that the surgery went well which was a huge relief for me – I am so happy that it’s done and over with now. The doctors tell me that everything will be fine but we can’t be too sure whether my voice will sound the same as before….but I am confident that everything will be good!

I am so happy when these ten days will be over and I am finally allowed to talk again. I mean you really have to try to picture not being able to say a single word for ten days…’s torture! Georg, Gustav and especially Tom are coming by on a regular basis to visit me which is great and helps me a lot….Tom is there pretty much 24/7.

Thanks to everyone for all the “get well” wishes – there is so much circulating on the internet that I could basically read for the ten days straight and wouldn’t even be able to finish reading all the comments. Thanks for your support – you guys really rock!!!!