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(March, 2008)


Hi everyone, it’s Tom again!
As most of you’ve probably heard, we had to cancel the rest of our “1000 Hotels European Tour” because Bill is having major problems with his vocal chords and has to undergo surgery. Having to do that has been a big let down for all of us — especially for Bill. We are all back in Germany, and of course, I returned directly with Bill to support him and be there if he needs me.

Bill has to see the doctor several times per day, but be assured he has the best doctors in Germany. We are talking about so many things these days ’cause all of this is really scary. But most of all we feel so sorry that we had to disappoint you guys with cancelling the rest of the tour. We feel like we let everybody down. Bill especially feels really bad about this, and I try to reassure him that it’s nobody’s fault.

So me and the boys want you to know that we’re doing everything we can to get back on stage and see you all as soon as possible….that’ll be soooo awesome! We hope it won’t take too long. Thanks for all the “get well” wishes you guys have been sending us — it’s amazing to get such great support from all our fans out there. Take care and thanks again for your unbelievable support! Oh yeah, feel free to leave a comment here…Bill will check them out as soon as he feels a little better.


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3 Responses to “It’s Tom Again!”

  1. Tae says:

    i love them both so much im sooo happy that Bill was okay i think i would have died… ilove you so much… cant wait til you tour again we miss you in the US come backl on tour that would be amazing

  2. BTGG says:

    ja, es war a sehr scary time.
    We went to one of his 1st performances after his surgery und his voice did strain once.
    We were all very concerned.

    I have more reports from THis time THat I still plan on posting as Achive News posts.

  3. KielierTwins says:

    Awwwwwww!! Omg Tom is just so sweet!
    Can’t describe how much this just about drew tears :'[ he’s just so cute!

    The big brother who’s taking care of his little brother <3

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