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~ Chapter IV ~


“You know,… you’ll go blind watching TV that close.”  The voice from behind startled her but her eyes stayed fixed to the figure on the screen.
“Sshhh! Look! Look!”
“What? I don’t -…”  Bill stood, stepping over the coffee table in front of him to sit with his agitated friend. Tye’s arm flailed around behind her, locating his hand she grasped it und gave a sharp tug.
“LOOK, Right there! Do you see?”  Bill came down solid on his knees beside her.
“Ouch, Hey … what is it I’m supo -“  She turned und looked at Bill, a grimmis still on his face from his abrupt contact with the floor.
“I’m sorry…”  She paused then, just for a second or so. The flickering light of the TV highlighting his handsome features temporarily de-railed her train of thought. ‘wow,… Bill had always been an attractive boy but -‘

“It’s ok. Now, what Are we looking at here?”
“Hmm? Oh! ya, look Right there -“  Tye brought her attentions back to the the screen, pointing a finger from her free hand to the screen. It hadn’t registered to her that Bill still had a hold of the hand that brought him down to her side.

“… but he was, There was a… He was right there!”  She had seen him, that man standing in the doorway. She hadn’t imagined it He WAS there!
“Who was? Tye-Tye, what are you on about?”  All she could do was stare at the screen.. The show now over, the finishing titles running. She was clearly out of sorts but Bill had no clue as to why or what he could do to settle her. Men rarely do. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to put his arms around her, but he instead gave her hand a slight squeeze.
“I watch this show religiously. Every episode, each time it runs. I have been all summer. He was never there before… I know he wasn’t!”
“Who wasn’t…?”  Placing his finger tips gently to her chin, he turned her to face him. “Who Tye?”

Tye considered that she very well may be going crazy. She had a whiteness right here, why had he not seen what she had? All that he seemed have been a whiteness to was her little trip into insanity.  Looking at Bill now, into his questioning eyes as they searched for answers to her distress, calm began to settle in. Along with it came the realization of her present setting, and how it was awakening butterflies in her stomach.

“Ignore me, I’m loosing my mind. It’s nothing.”  Trying to lighten the mood und brush off her odd behavior Tye smiled and gave a half hearted giggle.
“It didn’t seem like nothing, and… I could never ignore you.”  Bill continued his stare, but the look in his eyes had changed. Tye couldn’t look away. Those little butterflies were fluttering up a storm, subtly pulling her forward. ‘What are you doing?’, a voice in her head spoke out. Closing her eyes for a brief second, she took a breath to gather her senses.

“It’s late, I should probably get going…”  Bill’s voice broke the silence, und her trance. She was grateful for it too. She wasn’t sure whether she could have stopped herself. Stopped herself from what exactly, she wasn’t sure she wanted to admit.  “… You’re going to be ok now?”  he continued.
“Yes, I’ll be fine. I must just be tired.”  Another attempt to fluff over the night’s awkward events.

He now stood, offering his support for her to do the same with the gentle clasp he had maintained on her hand.

“Why thank you kind sir.”  their eyes met again, in a brief recall of the evening. They both smiled and she walked him to the door.

The night air was scented with that particular ‘after rain’ smell. Damp soil and earthworms with an underlining sweetness. Sounds dreadful, but is an oddly fresh feeling. Mild weather for the season. The two stood on the porch in the quiet absorbing the atmosphere.

“I’m glad you came over. I’m.. I’m glad you moved back.” She stammered with feelings that just wouldn’t form into words. Bill had been her best friend for most of her childhood. As long as she could remember it was Bill who she would turn to, who she sought comfort in. Those feelings were all flooding back. Coating her in a wave of security she hadn’t felt, well since before her mother had passed. It was nice. Tye remembered now the image of that scrawny, but oddly graceful little boy, standing outside her window. Pelting it with little pebbles, a signal for her to try und sneak out. This image brought a smile, one she tried to stop but couldn’t as it turned into a giggle. Bill was sure to think her insane now, but she just couldn’t stop. The more she tried, the worse it got!

“What? … What’s so funny?…”  Confused but prompted to smile himself by her contagious giggling, it wasn’t long b4 they were both laughing.
“…Tye, what is so funny?”
“Nothing, absolutely nothing!…”  more giggles. “… I have no idea why I’m so giddy.”
“If you don’t even know, then why am I laughing?”
“I don’t know!”  Uncontrollable but hushed snickers spilled from the both of them.
“Shhh… we’ll wake the whole neighborhood!”
“Ok, ok… I’m, I’m calm.”  She reached out, touching his arm.. He stepped closer und wrapped his arms around her shoulders as their laughter subsided. A hug well needed, ice now broken. The two friends connected once again as they had when children.

They were of course no longer children. This six foot stretch of Man standing on the porch with her now was going to take some getting use to. As were her changing feelings towards him.

Bill however had always had feelings for Tye. He’d never told her though, Heavens no! He had wanted to. Many times he had tried to steer the conversation in that direction. Hoping that she would say something, Anything that might encourage his young ideas of romance. He wasn’t sure what he would do exactly if she had, but that in no way stopped the constant replaying in his mind of that possible moment.

The porch light flashed on, then off… then on and off again.  Jane did not wish to interrupt what she perceived to be young love sprouting right there on her front stoop, but the mother in her was considering the hour.  She in no way distrusted Tye.  She wasn’t even concerned about the intentions of this young man her daughter was out there with as she had been with a few of the other boys that had in the past come to call.  But still, the hour was late.  She was strongly tempted to peek through the curtains, wanting to wait for Tye to come in so she could ask like a school girl at a slumber party how the night had gone.  Jane hesitated a few minutes, taking a couple of back und forth paces at the bottom of the stairs before she headed back to bed.

“Subtle, isn’t she.”
“Not too.”  Bill responded, taking a small step back the embrace released.  Both looking out into the night. Here it comes, the awkward good night.  ‘This is so crazy, what is my problem? It’s just Bill.  Say goodnight already!’ this debate went on in her mind as they stood in silence for what was beginning to feel like an eternity.

“Nice night”   Bill took a step forward and down the top step. ‘Oh great, talking about the weather’. Death for conversation.
“Yes, it was”   Deciding to steer clear of the climate, Tye twisted the direction of his comment.
“Oh yes, yes it was but I was..-“   Bill turned back to face her.
“I know…”   she smiled.  He was looking concerned that she might have thought he didn’t agree.
“Tonight was great, I dint mean -“
“I know, I know, its ok.”   Where he stood now, a few steps down, it was putting them at about eye level.  He was standing there, the tips of his fingers crammed into the tight front pockets of his jeans, his usual stance.  Looking around.  More avoidance, more awkward silence. Her butterflies were all a flutter.

“I think Jane has plans to get together tomorrow. She’s been baking.”
“Oh? I hope she’s better at it then Mom is!”   Bill shuddered at the thought of forcing down yet another crucified confection.  Simone never stopped trying to ‘create’ in the kitchen, bless her heart (und all that are subjected to her cooking).  Tye laughed at his expression.
“No worries, she’s actually really good at it.”
“Whew!”  The mood lightened, he chanced a glance her way.  She was looking in his direction, but their eyes didn’t meet.  She had been scanning him up und down without even realizing she was doing so.
“So… tomorrow then?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes! Tomorrow”

After exchanging smiles, and a slight giggle from Tye, Bill turned and headed down the walk.  About 5 paces away, he paused.  Contemplating a second, then continued on his path. He was resisting the urge to look back (to go back).  Almost at his own front walkway he stopped again.  ‘Was she? No…’ he shook his head slightly as his thoughts reviewed the evening.  ‘Wait… ya,.. She was checking me out!’
He looked across the lawns that separated their houses to see if Tye was still standing there.  Her porch light now off, he could see nothing. She must have gone in, so he did the same.

She watched as he walked to the street.  He then paused his stride.  Tye wasn’t sure why he’d stopped but something made her quickly and quietly deek into the house.  She didn’t want him to see that she was watching him.  Once inside she leaned her back against the door.  Butterflies in flight, the giggles bubbling their way out again.  “What the Frick is my issue!?!”  She whispered to herself.  She had liked boys before, of course.  She had felt jitters in her stomach und her nerves kicking up, but she had always managed herself with composure.  Tye kept her emotions under tight lock und key for the most part.  Something that started with her need to cope when she lost her parents.

After giving her head a shake, she shut off the porch light und started for the stairs.  Two steps up, something caught her eye.  Laying there over the back of the chair Jane had placed es on earlier was Bill’s jacket.  She reached over the banister, picked it up, und took it with her to her room.  It was late, she was tired.  The day had been a bit of an emotional topsy turvy.  Not really wanting to run through the entire bed-readying process she changed, quickly gave her teeth a brush then crawled into bed.  She lay there in the dark a few minutes then sat back up.  Bill’s jacket.  It was just resting there innocently across the foot of her bed, but she felt as if Bill knew it was there somehow.  Crazy thought but still.  Getting out of bed she picked it up, this time putting it over a hook on her closet door.  In bed once again she turned her back to to where it hung. A few more minutes passed.  She sat up.  Out of bed, und across the room she went. Grabbing the soft leather of the jacket she slid into it’s long sleeves.  The lining was cool on her bare arms. She felt foolish but what did it matter? Who was to know? She certainly wouldn’t tell anyone. This time when she laid her head to her pillow sleep found her instantly.

Twin Tyes – Chapter I:

If you enjoyed THe 1st chapter, please read on!
Chapter V
(comments are appreciated) ; )

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8 Responses to “Twin Tyes – Chapter IV”

  1. mayra says:

    awww those 2 are too cute :3

  2. Wampira4U says:

    I can tell they both like each other, haha yes no one needs to know about sleeping with his jacket! :p next chapter!

  3. BTGG says:

    hee XD
    THe jacket would smell like her Bill
    I wouldn’t mind cuddling up in dass jacket,
    I don’t blame her.
    Mind you, I’d want BILL still in THe jacket when I sleep in es 😉

  4. uskipper says:

    Those two aren’t going to let the weather stop them! Bill und Tye… *sigh*

  5. KielierTwins says:

    Hehehe another interesting chapter :D.
    And she did well to restrain herself for so long from the jacket :L

    Imagine putting on one of Bill’s jackets! 8}.

  6. BTGG says:

    Imagine it?
    THats exactly how I was able to write it! 😀

  7. zilvahna says:

    i read it before n i liked it…

    i read it now n i still like it!! =D

    i REALLY REALLY want more x3

  8. panictomyheart says:

    ya! you updated! ich liebe it! Update again when u can!

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