Doing some renovations wiTHin my Site. If you find someTHing not working, or missing, or jus', not right, feel free to ask me about it

Tokio Hotel Radio is und has been a large source of enjoyment for not only myself but many. It randomly plays an assorted selection of Tokio Hotel’s amazing Musik 24-7 on my site as well as several oTHer TH-sites around THe world.

If you are familiar wiTH it’s awesomeness, you are also aware THat as of late TH radio has been a bit Whack! THere are Non-Tokio Hotel songs playing in gross secession. THese Non-TH songs are actually played MORE THe Tokio Hotel’s Musik, UND, it is suppose to be THeir Radio!

I have written und tweeted to GOOM to fix THis situation, to add some new THe songs in place of THe Non-TH in THere but THey have yet to respond or act on THe issue

I’m asking for your help.
PLEASE let GOOMradio
know how much we all LOVE Tokio Hotel Radio!

Write THem
join to write THem your concerns, click ‘inscription’ top right corner

Tweet THem

FaceBook THem

Raise your voice, Make some Noise! 😉

GOOM answered our cries,
TH Radio ist now restored back to TH 24-7
As it should be! 😀

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