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Canceled Tokio Hotel Concert Leads to Lawsuit in Moscow

Last month, Tokio Hotel canceled a concert they had scheduled in Moscow. Now, that single cancellation has just sparked a legal firestorm, as the Russian consumer rights society OZPP has decided to sue the venue where the show would’ve taken place. Because so many ticket-holders have yet to be reimbursed after the unannounced cancellation, OZPP decided to sue the venue, not the promoter, because it was the only company listed on the tickets.

As EUTicketNews reports, OZPP doesn’t know how many ticket holders still haven’t been reimbursed, but they claim that there are “several thousand.” OZPP can’t sue for a specific amount of money, but if it wins, everyone in need of a reimbursement will get one. TopTicket, meanwhile, the promoter behind the canceled Moscow show, says that it’s renegotiated a contract with Tokio Hotel, and that a rescheduled Moscow concert could happen later this year.

original article

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One Response to “Lawsuit in Moscow”

  1. zoepapa says:

    xaei tokio hotel zoepapa

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