Doing some renovations wiTHin my Site. If you find someTHing not working, or missing, or jus', not right, feel free to ask me about it

If You have a Twitter,
Tweet your BirTHday wishes to Georg!

If you don’t have a Twitter,
und Tweet your BirTHday wishes to Georg!

Birthday wishes for Georg will be compiled at the end of the month
and sent along to him

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Filed Under: Georg-News/Media

4 Responses to “Tweet BiTHday Wishes to Georg!”

  1. Cris says:

    yeah!!! Is a good idea..

  2. BTGG says:

    I THink so! 🙂
    I hope everyone leaves THeir well wishes fur Georg!

  3. Bridgi says:

    It is a good idea Hun!! 🙂 I like it!!:)

  4. BTGG says:

    I dint create THe Twitter,
    es war pointed out to me
    und I’ve been promoting es where ever I can!
    I don’t THink many know about es.
    We need THe word out!

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