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(Nov, 2009)

Bravo Portugal

Bravo #293

Bill Exposes Himself…. in his lyrics

We noticed after paying more attention while listening to the single “World Behind My Wall”, 
He is not living a very good moment…

In the song composed by himself, he says They’re telling me, It’s beautiful, I believe them but I will ever know The world behind my wall“. Suddenly ding ding ding, the bells ring and we noticed that the lead singer of Tokio Hotel wants to tell us something, even he doesn’t do it widely. Anyway, he seems arrested to his own life. More than that, the past few interviews, Bill shows he is not so happy with himself. “I don’t want people to see me like a role model, I have a lot of imperfections“, he recently confessed to BRAVO.

We ask ourselves, what he does want to tell us?
If you think you know what’s going on with him, we accept suggestions.
Write to us:
RE: “Bill. We are waiting for you!”
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2 Responses to “Bravo #293”

  1. ZiLvahNa says:

    poor Bill ='(
    the lyrics says a lot!
    he’s not having that norma life he wants


    at least hes happy havin fans =)

  2. BTGG says:

    Ja, es ist sad.
    Such a Smexy wasting away on improbabilities <='( es ist die 'trade-off' das many stars are sorta forced to make. He'll find his Love, I'm certain. 😉

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