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im Interview

Bill Kaulitz as Billy goes on solo paths with the art project “LDBM”. INTERVIEW spoke to the singer about life in Los Angeles, Berghain hangovers and one of the most painful feelings of all: heartbreak.

INTERVIEW: you suffer more easily as an artist?

BILLY: The Message of the whole EP is that I suffer in heartbreak, just like any other. I’m doing the same thing just like everyone else, I was deceived, my heart was broken.

INTERVIEW: How does the heartbreak feel that you sing about?

BILLY: I think lovesickness has something like dying. I had the feeling that I will not survive this. I had given so much that I then was completely empty. I did not know how to get up in the morning. There was just nothing.

INTERVIEW: We live in a generation in which many people are afraid of close relationships, fear of a seemingly final decisions. Do you also have commitment issues?

BILLY: I am a romantic. Everyone makes fun, but I think when you have found the right person, must hold on to it. Very few are so lucky in life. When the time comes, such fears are no longer relevant.

INTERVIEW: Is there something that you would never give up despite Love?

BILLY: No. That was also in the relationship at issue in the song, that. I would have even emigrated immediately to India for this person.

INTERVIEW: This one, do they know that it’s about them?

BILLY: I do not know, we have no contact. but I think so. It contains so much information in the songs, which actually only this person can know.

INTERVIEW: Should your heart someday again be open: What things need to be clarified before someone approaches again?

BILLY: The question of religion, for example. When people are very religious, it is often very difficult in a relationship. For me religion does not matter, it’s okay if someone lives thier faith, but do I fit in there anywhere. I have a problem with rules, freedom is my most important asset.

INTERVIEW: Is freedom as an Artist always the first word, which you call to protect yourself from others?

BILLY: Freedom I think of more. I believe that if one has achieved something of which one can say, now I have no one to prove something to, then that is the best feeling ever.

INTERVIEW: Both wanting to prove something has already destroyed so many relationships …

BILLY: Totally. I do not care what someone is doing in business or how much they earn. If one makes me laugh and pulls me into another world, then that is impressive to me.

INTERVIEW:Okay, when was the last time that you partied with people without really any impressive resume?

BILLY: This happens to me often, for example the Coachella Festival. In Berlin, the was last time, was at Berghain.

INTERVIEW: And how did you like it?

BILLY: It was totally cool. Sunday night at 1am, and I then have the hangover blues.

INTERVIEW: How long has the Hangover lasted?

BILLY: About one week (laughs).

INTERVIEW: The people here are scrambling for you, the solo project was put together with a small team. Do you sometimes feel like a candle burning on both sides?

BILLY: Yes totally! But I like that, I work better under stress. I also like to complain about that. If I have too little to do, I get silly ideas.

INTERVIEW: You live in Los Angeles. To what extent has the city changed you?

BILLY: I’m still the weirde European. I usually don’t go to sleep until 6 o’clock in the morning, eat very unhealthy, even though I am a vegetarian. The yoga, I’m not into.

INTERVIEW: Is L.A. the place where you want to live forever?

BILLY: No, Tom and I are planning to soon move to Thailand wanting to experience something quite different. Moreover, Italy excites me, my favorite country. And the people there usually look so pretty!

original article

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