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Bill Kaulitz: The Hairstyle Evolution

Falling up was always his theme. “Tokio Hotel” frontman Bill Kaulitz (23) has a very special attitude to the subject of styling.

And it started early. At the age of nine the singer turned his hair the first time. Green, blue, white, black, there were virtually no limits to the imagination of Bill Kaulitz.

Also painted Fingernails, piercings and flashy clothes belonged to Bill, unlike his twin brother Tom Kaulitz. The identical twin brothers are close, as anyone else. It is all the more surprising that Tom Kaulitz is clearly moderate in terms of styling. The guitarist of “Tokio Hotel” remained faithful over the years in his Rasta look, while brother Bill surprised constantly with new looks. Only recently has Tom modified his style and has now long and smooth hair.

Bill Kaulitz visually still turns on. He became thrifty with the eye makeup, more and more tattoos adorn him, with outfits he has impressed during his appearances as a judge on “DSDS 2013”.

The fans of “Tokio Hotel” can soon enjoy a new album. And with certainty, a “new” Bill Kaulitz.

NOTE: quotes for each image are from ‘InTouch’, NOT Myself
original article

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