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Menší z populárních dvojčat, lední medvěd Tom, čeká 14. února v kotci brněnské zoo na odvoz do Prahy

The smaller of the popular polar bear Twin, Tom, waits on Saturday, the 14th of Feb for the removal to a zoo in Prague.

On Saturday afternoon, 1 year old Tom, who is very popular aswell as his sibling, ‘Bill’.  Bill was relocated to the metropolis of Brnoin, Prague Zoo.  Leave with him came hundreds of people. Tom arrived all right, only the transport made the young bear a little nervous.

Prague zoo spokesman Vit Kahle said that the transport took place as planned.  “Everything was in order and landing took place without any complications to the fact that the movement is in the life of a bear cub pressures on its nervous system”. For shipping boxes Macek said, weighing 110 pounds, Tom got smoothly into the quarantine area & will later have exposure to other polar bears.

“It is in the care of veterinarians, who conducted the entrance examination. If everything is correct, visitors will see Tom within ten days,” said Kahle.  Tom was given in the zoo fish and water, to calm down. In later days he will begin outdoor exposure. 

 Preparing for departure lasted about half an hour.  On Sunday, the second of the pair, Bill, will also be transported.

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